Understanding the Significance of the Christian Church in Houston, TX

June 6, 2024


The Christian church in Houston, TX, holds a unique place in the hearts of its members. It serves as a place of rest, hope, and peace for those seeking solace in their busy lives. The church's significance goes beyond its physical presence and reflects the spiritual Kingdom of God on earth, providing its members with a sense of community, purpose, and belonging.

The Unique Place of the Church

The Christian church in Houston, TX, physically manifests the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. It is a place where believers gather routinely to experience the presence of God, worship together, and be equipped for their mission work in their homes, jobs, and communities. The church is a unique community offering a little taste of Heaven on Earth, providing a refuge for those needing rest, hope, and peace.

The Church as a Physical Manifestation of the Kingdom of God

The Christian church in Houston, TX, is a physical manifestation of the Kingdom of God on earth. It is a place where believers gather routinely to experience God's presence, worship together, and be equipped for their mission work in their homes, jobs, and communities. The church is a unique community offering a little taste of Heaven on Earth, providing a refuge for those needing rest, hope, and peace.

The Church's Purpose and Influence

The church's purpose goes beyond providing a refuge; it also serves as a place of rest, hope, and peace for those seeking solace in their busy lives. The significance of the church reflects the spiritual Kingdom of God on earth, providing a sense of community, purpose, and belonging for its members. The church's influence is felt not just within its walls but also in the lives of its members as they go out and impact their homes, jobs, and communities with the love and hope found within the church.

Parables of the Mustard Seed and Yeast

Jesus often used parables to communicate essential truths about the Kingdom of God. In two specific parables, the mustard seed and the yeast, Jesus illustrates the profound growth and influence of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The parable of the Mustard Seed describes how something as small and seemingly insignificant as a mustard seed can grow into the largest plant in a garden, providing a place for birds to come and perch in its branches.

In the parable of the Yeast, Jesus compares the Kingdom of Heaven to a woman who takes a small amount of yeast and mixes it into a large amount of flour until it works all through the dough, influencing and changing the nature of the flour.

Both parables emphasize the idea of starting small and growing in significance and influence, demonstrating the Kingdom of God's transformative power and growth potential.

The Big Idea of Both Stories

The big idea of both parables is the remarkable growth and influence of the Kingdom of Heaven. Both stories illustrate the concept of starting small and growing in significance and influence, emphasizing the Kingdom of God's transformative power and potential impact.

Jesus uses these parables to convey that the Kingdom of Heaven starts small but doesn't stay that way. The mustard seed grows into the largest of garden plants, and the yeast works through the dough, changing its nature. Both parables highlight that something seemingly insignificant can profoundly influence and significance.

Furthermore, the parables convey that the Kingdom of God is a place of rest, hope, and peace. Just as the mustard seed provides a place for birds to come and perch in its branches, the Kingdom of God offers a place of refuge and belonging for those needing rest and peace.

Ultimately, the big idea of both stories is that the Kingdom of God starts small but grows in significance and influence, providing a place of rest, hope, and peace for those seeking solace in their lives.

God's Will for the Church to Grow in Significance

It's God's will that the kingdom of God grow in significance so that it eventually is larger and has a more significant impact than everything and everyone else on the face of the Earth. The church is not just a place where we gather; it is a physical picture of the kingdom of God. God wants the church to be a place of rest, hope, and peace for those seeking solace. The church's significance reflects the spiritual Kingdom of God on earth, providing its members with a sense of community, purpose, and belonging. It's not just about the size but the church's impact and influence on the world. It's about building and advancing the kingdom so that every other authority on the Earth, government, leader, and organization realizes the church's significance and influence.

God's Will for the Church to Grow in Influence

God's will is not just for the church to grow in scale and size but also in influence. The church is called to be an influencer for the most significant cause on the face of the Earth. We need more politicians, leaders in businesses, homes, educators, and administrators who are Kingdom people. Every follower of Jesus is called to influence the world and bring about change. The church should be an influencer for the kingdom of God in their homes, jobs, communities, and everywhere they go. We can influence people for the kingdom of God, and it's our responsibility to get out into the world and preach the gospel, make disciples, and influence people for Jesus. The world needs more light and more influence, and we have it. The church needs to get off the shelf and get in the mix to bring about change and influence the world for Jesus.

Our Dual Responsibility in the Kingdom

As followers of Jesus, we have a dual responsibility in the Kingdom of God. First, we are responsible for the growth of the church and the kingdom. While God miraculously oversees this growth, we are called to share the truth and influence the world for Jesus. We are called to be influencers for the most significant cause on the face of the Earth—the Kingdom of God.

Secondly, it's God's will that the church grows in significance and influence. The church is called not just to grow in scale but to grow in influence. When the Kingdom of God rubs up against the world, the world should be better because of our influence. We are called to be Salt and Light, to confront the darkness, and to be a positive influence wherever we go.

Ultimately, the church is not just a place we gather; it is a physical picture of the kingdom of God. It's God's will that the kingdom of God grows in significance and influence so that every other authority on the Earth realizes the significance and influence of the church. It's about building and advancing the kingdom so that the church has a more significant impact than everything and everyone else on the face of the Earth.

Therefore, our dual responsibility in the Kingdom is to play our part in the growth and influence of the church and the Kingdom of God and to be influencers for Jesus in our homes, jobs, communities, and everywhere we go.

The Church as a Place of Rest and Hope

The church is a physical manifestation of the Kingdom of God and a place of rest, hope, and peace. Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Jesus. The church serves as a place where believers can find shelter, peace, and hope in the midst of life's challenges and struggles. It is a refuge for those needing rest and peace in their lives.

Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." The kingdom of God is the cure for a restless heart, and our hearts find rest in the King. The church is where people can rest in Jesus, peace, hope, mercy, and love.

Ultimately, the church's purpose goes beyond providing a refuge; it also serves as a place of rest, hope, and peace for those seeking solace in their busy lives. Our responsibility as a church is to grow in scale and influence and to be a place where people find rest and hope in Jesus.


What is the significance of the Christian Church in Houston, TX?

The Christian church in Houston, TX, physically manifests the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. It provides its members with a sense of community, purpose, and belonging and offers a refuge for those seeking rest, hope, and peace.

What is the big idea of the Mustard Seed and Yeast parables?

The parables emphasize the idea of starting small and growing in significance and influence, demonstrating the Kingdom of God's transformative power and growth potential.

What is the dual responsibility of followers of Jesus in the Kingdom?

Followers of Jesus have a dual responsibility in the Kingdom of God. First, they are responsible for the growth and influence of the church and the kingdom. Secondly, it is God's will for the church to grow in significance and impact.

What is the purpose of the church as a place of rest and hope?

The church serves as a place of rest, hope, and peace for those seeking solace in their busy lives. It provides shelter, peace, and hope for those needing rest and peace.