Restoring the Holiness of the Church

July 4, 2024

In this blog, we'll explore how the church should respond to unrepentant sin within its midst, as outlined in 1 Corinthians 5. We'll discuss the importance of taking sin seriously, protecting the body of believers, preserving God's holiness, and reaching the lost world around us.

Addressing Unrepentant Sin

In the face of unrepentant sin within the church, it's crucial to understand the gravity of the situation and the biblical approach to handling it.

Recognizing Unrepentant Sin

Unrepentant sin is not just a momentary lapse but a lifestyle of pursuing sinful behavior without remorse or a desire to change. It's important to differentiate between occasional stumbles and ongoing, unrepentant sin openly practiced.

Taking a Biblical Stance

●     Unrepentant sin affects the entire body of believers, as emphasized by the analogy of yeast leavening the whole batch of dough (1 Corinthians 5:6).

●     Addressing unrepentant sin is not about judgment but about preserving the holiness and integrity of the church community (1 Corinthians 5:12-13).

●     It's crucial to uphold a high view of the church and a low view of sin, aligning with the biblical perspective.

Church's Response

When unrepentant sin is openly practiced within the church, it requires a thoughtful and decisive response to maintain the purity and witness of the body of believers.

As followers of Christ, we are called to uphold the standards of God's kingdom within the church and not allow the permissive culture of the world to infiltrate our community (1 Corinthians 5:9-11).

Handling unrepentant sin within the church is a challenging but necessary aspect of preserving the holiness and integrity of the body of believers.

The Proper Attitude Towards Sin

When addressing sin within the church, the proper attitude is one of deep sorrow and mourning rather than pride or indifference. As a Spirit-filled believer, my response to sin should mirror the grief it causes God. It's essential to understand that sin breaks fellowship with God and other believers, creating a division within the body of Christ.

Grieving Over Sin

Paul emphasizes the need for believers to grieve over sin, recognizing its impact on our relationship with God and fellow believers. This grief is not meant to lead to despair but to repentance, prompting us to turn away from sin and restore our fellowship with God and others.

Unity and Grace

Sin disrupts the unity and grace that bind believers together, causing a rift in the body of Christ. As a result, taking a humble and brokenhearted approach to addressing sin is crucial for maintaining the unity and integrity of the church community.

Correcting Attitudes and Taking Action

It's important to correct our attitudes towards sin, shifting from pride and self-righteousness to a posture of brokenness and love for one another. Rather than assuming the role of judgmental policemen, we are called to take action with a broken heart, seeking restoration and redemption for the individual caught in sin.

Taking Action Against Sin

When addressing sin within the church, it's essential to understand the reasons behind taking action against unrepentant sin. The Bible provides clear guidance on the necessity of addressing sin within the body of believers, and it's important to grasp the significance of these actions for the well-being of the individual and the church in Houston as a whole.

For the Salvation of the Person's Soul

The primary motivation for taking action against unrepentant sin is the ultimate welfare of the individual's soul. The goal is not punitive but redemptive, aiming to lead the person to repentance and restoration of fellowship with God. By addressing unrepentant sin, the church seeks to guide individuals back to a right standing with God and the body of believers.

Protection of the Church

●     Unchecked, unrepentant sin can harm the entire church community, leading to division and potentially influencing others to follow a similar path.

●     By taking action against unrepentant sin, the church safeguards its unity, integrity, and witness to the world, preventing the spread of sin's influence within the congregation.

Preserving the Holiness of God to a Watching World

Addressing unrepentant sin within the church demonstrates the church's commitment to upholding God's holiness and righteousness. It communicates to the world that the church takes sin seriously and seeks to live in alignment with God's standards, presenting a compelling witness to those outside the faith.

Preserving the Holiness of the Church

Paul's instruction in 1 Corinthians underscores the importance of preserving the church's holiness for the sake of a watching world that needs a holy God. As believers, our actions and responses to sin within the church directly impact how God's holiness is perceived by those outside the faith.

Misrepresenting God

Failure to address unrepentant sin within the church can misrepresent God's holiness to the world. Our actions or inaction in the face of sin can distort the true character of God, hindering others from seeing the transformative power of His holiness.

Compelling Witness

By upholding the standard of holiness within the church, we present a compelling witness to the world. Our commitment to addressing sin demonstrates the church's reverence for God's holiness and righteousness, drawing others to seek the same transformative relationship with a holy God.

Reaching the Lost World

As believers, our response to sin within the church directly impacts our ability to fulfill our purpose of reaching the lost world. Failure to address unrepentant sin not only grieves God but also hinders our effectiveness in sharing the transformative message of the gospel with those outside the faith.


Here are some common questions about addressing unrepentant sin within the church and the proper response to sin.

How can we differentiate between occasional stumbles and unrepentant sin?

Occasional stumbles are momentary lapses in behavior, while unrepentant sin involves a continuous lifestyle of sinful behavior without remorse or a desire to change.

What is the primary motivation for taking action against unrepentant sin?

The primary motivation is to guide the individual caught in unrepentant sin towards repentance and restoration of fellowship with God and the body of believers.

Why is it important to address unrepentant sin within the church?

Addressing unrepentant sin is crucial for preserving the holiness and integrity of the church, safeguarding its unity, and presenting a compelling witness to the world.