Faith Feels Different

June 28, 2024

In this inspiring message, Pastor Matt Austin explores the powerful truth that faith feels different when we genuinely connect with Jesus. Drawing from the story of the woman with the issue of blood, he encourages the congregation to boldly reach out and touch the Savior, knowing that their lives will be transformed.

Accessible and Powerful

Scripture has a unique way of connecting with individuals, and the power of the message in Mark 5:21-24 is truly impactful. The story of Jairus, a desperate father seeking Jesus' help for his dying daughter, resonates with many who have experienced moments of deep anguish and hopelessness. The raw emotion and unwavering faith demonstrated in this passage serve as a reminder of the accessibility and power of God's love and healing.

The Desperation of Faith

Desperation has a way of driving us to do things we wouldn't normally consider. When we reach a point of utter desperation, our actions become fueled by an unwavering determination to find a solution, no matter the cost.

The Power of Desperation

Desperation holds a unique power that propels us to break through barriers and push past obstacles. It ignites a fire within us, urging us to pursue our goals with an intensity that surpasses our everyday efforts.

A Different Kind of Faith

Desperate faith is not passive or complacent; it's bold, unwavering, and relentless. It's a faith that propels us to take extraordinary measures to connect with the divine, knowing that our breakthrough is within reach.

●     Desperate faith compels us to press through the crowd, regardless of the obstacles in our path.

●     It drives us to reach out and touch the source of our hope, believing in the possibility of transformation.

●     Desperation fuels a relentless pursuit of healing, restoration, and divine intervention, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

The Unyielding Resolve

When we are driven by desperation, our faith feels different. It's not passive or resigned; it's infused with an unyielding resolve that refuses to accept defeat. In moments of desperation, our faith becomes a force to be reckoned with, capable of moving mountains and ushering in miracles.

Embracing the desperation of faith means acknowledging our unwavering belief in the possibility of divine intervention, regardless of the circumstances. It's a declaration of our refusal to be bound by limitations and a testament to our unshakeable confidence in the power of the divine.

Worship That Costs Something

Real problems bring us back to our knees, and there's a blessing in your problem if you'll let it bless you. Embracing the desperation of faith means acknowledging our unwavering belief in the possibility of divine intervention, regardless of the circumstances.

A Declaration of Unyielding Resolve

Worshiping with spirit and in truth means giving praise that costs something. It's not passive or resigned; it's infused with an unyielding resolve that refuses to accept defeat. Our faith becomes a force to be reckoned with, capable of moving mountains and ushering in miracles.

●     Break the jar in worship, giving everything to the Master.

●     Worship with a heart, soul, and strength, refusing to hold back anything.

●     Embrace a worship that defies the norm and pours out with extravagant love and devotion.

When we worship with a cost, we position ourselves for a divine encounter that transcends the ordinary. It's a declaration of our refusal to be bound by limitations and a testament to our unshakeable confidence in the power of the divine.

Hearing, Speaking, and Moving in Faith

When we encounter the power of Jesus, it ignites a transformation beyond mere hearing. It's about speaking and moving in faith, allowing the divine encounter to shape our words and actions. The story of the woman with the issue of blood exemplifies the profound impact of hearing, speaking, and moving in faith.

The Power of Confession

Our confession holds the power to change our condition. Speaking faith into our lives and future can shift our circumstances and usher in divine intervention. It's a declaration of unwavering belief in the possibility of a miraculous breakthrough.

●     Confession has the power to shape our mindset and outlook.

●     Speaking faith reinforces our trust in divine intervention.

●     Our words can create an atmosphere of expectancy for miracles to manifest.

Encouraging Ourselves in Faith

There are moments when we must learn to encourage ourselves, to worship and praise God independently of external influences. It's a testament to our unyielding resolve and unwavering faith, even without outward support. Encouraging ourselves in faith positions us to receive divine healing and restoration.

●     Encouraging ourselves reinforces our connection with the divine.

●     It empowers us to stand strong in faith, even in challenging circumstances.

●     Our ability to encourage ourselves becomes a source of strength and resilience.

Embracing the power of confession and the ability to encourage ourselves in faith enables us to experience the fullness of divine intervention and transformation. It's a testament to the unyielding resolve and unwavering faith that propels us to reach out and touch the source of our hope, knowing that our breakthrough is within reach.

Touching Jesus and Experiencing the Miraculous

When we encounter the power of Jesus, it ignites a transformation beyond mere hearing. It's about speaking and moving in faith, allowing the divine encounter to shape our words and actions.

The Power of Touch

Just as the woman with the issue of blood reached out and touched Jesus, we, too, can experience the miraculous when we dare to touch the source of our hope. Reaching out in faith can usher in divine intervention and transformation.

●     Touching Jesus signifies our unwavering belief in the possibility of a miraculous breakthrough.

●     It's a tangible expression of our trust in the power of the divine to bring about healing and restoration.

●     Reaching out to Jesus is a bold declaration of our refusal to be bound by limitations, knowing that our breakthrough is within reach.

Experiencing the Difference

Faith feels different when we actively engage with it. It's not merely about going through the motions; it's about infusing every action with unwavering belief and expectation. When we touch Jesus with faith, we tap into a realm where miracles manifest and lives are transformed.

If you're ready to experience the miraculous power of touching Jesus in faith, take your next step and embark on a journey of unwavering belief and divine encounter.


Here are some frequently asked questions about faith and its transformative power.

What is the significance of the woman with the issue of blood in the Bible?

The woman with the issue of blood is a powerful example of unwavering faith and the miraculous healing that comes from reaching out to Jesus.

How can faith be an active force in our lives?

Faith is not passive; it engages our senses, propels us to action, and empowers us to speak life and truth into existence.

Why is divine timing important in the context of faith?

Divine timing reminds us to trust in God's perfect orchestration of events, even when we feel drained and hopeless. It reassures us that every trial has a purpose within the grand design of divine order.